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“Tafeln” – Ein Loch ist im EimerFalschmeldung zu Bombenattentat schockt die Börsen

Transcript of Boston Bombing suspect's bedside hearing (yes, he was Mirandized)

Es sieht wohl so aus, dass die Politik den “starken Max” gibt, aber die Justiz noch arbeitet in den USA:

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, has been charged in a criminal complaint over the bombing of the Boston Marathon. He appeared before a federal magistrate who came to his bedside at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He nodded affirmatively in response to questions, but spoke only one word: "no," after the magistrate asked him if he could afford a lawyer. The New York Times has the transcript. After much controversy, it's good to see that he was read his Miranda Rights. And here's the FBI affidavit.

Schaun mer mal, wie's weitergeht.

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